Friday, January 20, 2012

My Busy Week

So this week has been a busy week for me. I started my new job! YAY! I started my second class. It was the second week of my econ class. On top of that I had a chiro appointment, had to do homework, it's snowed twice this week so traffic sucked. I am not going to complain! I am extremely grateful that I have a job, I'm glad I have the opportunity to go back to school and I am relieved that I have a car starter and will be happy to have new tires tomorrow! So far I am loving my new job. It is amazing how different two small companies can be run. I really was in an environment that was not healthy for me. It really was a good thing that I was laid off. Had I not been I would have still been there and been miserable. By being laid off I was force to look hard for a new job. Not just randomly looking here and there. By being laid off I found all sorts of services that are there to help people in Anoka County and they made it possible for me to go back to school. Four months from now I will have my 2 year degree, from there I can choose to go on or I can be happy with the fact that I at least finally finished it.

This weekend isn't going to be calm and relaxing for me at all. Again, I am not going to complain. I get a date night tonight! The first real date night since probably September or October. Tomorrow I get to go learn how to make dumplings at Big Bowl, I get new tires and I get to go to see Monster Trucks! Some where this weekend I need to squeeze in homework, dishes and laundry. But that's ok. Right now I'm pretty content with my life.

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